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Student Perspectives on Online Instructional Strategies

2024-03-29T13:33:59+00:00Digital Learning, Education, Learning Innovation|

Convenience is often a major draw for online learning, but are students truly satisfied with the way their online courses are designed? Understanding how students perceive different instructional strategies is key to improving the quality of online education. At the Lilly Teaching Conference in Anaheim, I presented research aimed at uncovering online students' perspectives and offering faculty and instructional designers actionable insights. Presentation Summary: What Do Students Really Think? The Central Question: My presentation explored whether online students are satisfied with online courses simply because of the flexibility, or whether they are genuinely satisfied with the instructional strategies used within them. Background and Data: The research involved undergraduate online courses with primarily traditional-aged students (19-21). While overall satisfaction scores were positive, the findings revealed a more nuanced picture. Student Feedback on Courses: Students indicated they were most satisfied with the overall learning experience, course expectations, and the likelihood of recommending the course to others. Interestingly, a greater number of students expressed a desire for more online offerings than those willing to participate in further online courses themselves. Insights on Specific Strategies: The presentation highlighted student preferences for various instructional strategies: Key Takeaways: The instructor's role remains crucial. Well-designed homework, formative assessments, and summative tests are valued. Improving Readings and Writing: Provide guidance with reading assignments and make writing tasks meaningful rather than simply busywork. Purposeful Projects: Individual projects with clear instructions were favored over collaboration for its own sake. Rethinking Discussion Boards and Groups: Avoid discussions easily replicated as individual assignments and ensure clear structure and expectations for groups. The Complexity of Satisfaction: The presentation acknowledged that convenience is a major factor. However, students also choose online courses with the expectation that they will learn effectively. Many factors beyond instructional strategies can impact student satisfaction. Understanding Student Types: It's important to recognize that online courses [...]

Building a Faculty Development Culture of Instructional Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges

2024-03-29T13:34:34+00:00Digital Learning, Education, Learning Innovation|

In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, fostering a culture of continuous innovation is crucial. Encouraging faculty to explore and adopt new instructional approaches is key to enhancing student learning experiences. Yet, institutions often face challenges in successfully engaging faculty in this process. In 2017, while at William & Mary, I presented with Instructional Design Specialist Josh Chung at the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Our presentation, titled "Building a Faculty Development Culture for Instructional Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges" delved into the complexities surrounding innovation in higher education. We explored motivations, barriers, and strategies for institutions seeking to cultivate a dynamic environment where innovation thrives. Presentation Summary Defining Instructional Innovation: The presentation clarified that instructional innovation encompasses any new or creative approach that aims to enhance students' learning. It can range from small, incremental changes to disruptive shifts and may or may not involve technology. The Context of Innovation: We examined the delicate balance between an institution's teaching mission and an innovation-driven culture. The presentation looked at the issue from both macro (institutional) and micro (individual faculty/student) perspectives. Reasons for Resistance: Despite the potential benefits, faculty can be hesitant to embrace instructional innovation. We highlighted key reasons: limited formal training in teaching, a culture focused primarily on research, and a lack of awareness of available resources. The Importance of Marketing Faculty Development: The presentation stressed that merely providing faculty development options is insufficient. Institutions need to strategically market these opportunities using principles like the 'Enrollment Management Funnel,' tailored messaging, and even mirroring successful models like the pharmaceutical sales representative approach. A Multi-Level Marketing Model: We proposed a marketing model for faculty development that targets three key areas: Individual: Appealing to faculty's intrinsic desire to improve student learning and be part of a progressive environment. Instructional: Focusing on practical benefits, meeting students' needs, and pedagogical effectiveness. [...]

Steps to Improving Online Learning Video Production

2024-03-29T13:39:50+00:00Digital Learning, Education, Learning Innovation, Management|

High-quality video is an essential component of engaging online courses. In 2017, while at William & Mary, I teamed up with Instructional Design Specialist Josh Chung to present at the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Our presentation, "Steps to Improving Online Learning Video Production", offered practical strategies and insights for educational institutions seeking to enhance the quality and impact of their online learning videos. Presentation Summary: A Roadmap to Better Online Videos The Challenge Online learning videos can range from basic and uninspiring to highly polished and effective. Understanding models and processes for continuous improvement is essential. Profiles: Basic, Better, Best We outlined three broad categories of video quality (Basic, Better, and Best). Each level reflects increasing commitment to production elements and creativity. We stressed that the goal should be consistent improvement across these levels. The Production Process The presentation highlighted three key phases of video production: Pre-Production: The essential planning stage involving vision, administrative support, and resource allocation. Production: The active filming process, emphasizing attention to detail, technical quality, and faculty guidance. Post-Production: Editing, polishing, and finalizing videos, with an eye toward clarity and engagement. Six Production Models We presented six common models for online video creation, ranging from simple to complex: Screen Capture, PowerPoint, Live Class Capture, Whiteboard/Lightboard, and Studio/Location shoots. Investing for Improvement Across all models, moving from "Basic" to "Better" levels requires investment in time, expertise, technical resources, and administrative support. Reaching the "Best" level often involves significant commitment to high-quality production. Key Takeaways The presentation emphasized these core ideas for improving online learning video quality: Creativity is Key: Regardless of your budget, creativity and thoughtful execution can elevate video quality significantly. Process Matters: A clear framework for pre-production, production, and post-production ensures smoother processes and better results. Invest Wisely: Understand the resource demands of each production model to choose the most sustainable approach [...]

Managing Second-Level Effects of Innovative Projects

2024-03-29T13:36:06+00:00Business & Leadership, Digital Learning, Education, Leadership, Learning Innovation, Management|

Innovative projects offer exciting possibilities, but their implementation often has complex ripple effects beyond what is initially expected. In 2017, while at William & Mary, I presented at the WCET conference in Denver on the topic of "Second-Level Effects." This presentation explored the challenges of managing these unexpected consequences of innovation and offered potential strategies for success. Presentation Summary: Managing "Second-Level Effects" The Nature of the Challenge: Often, we carefully plan for the initial, anticipated outcomes of a project ("First-Level Effects"). We may address challenges like increased workload or resistance from stakeholders. However, "Second-Level Effects" are much harder to predict. These are the indirect and often surprising changes that emerge as a project is implemented. Because they are unique, unpredictable, and constantly evolving, Second-Level Effects are considered "wicked problems." Causes of Second-Level Effects: These effects stem from significant shifts caused by the project, including: Altered Attention: The way people allocate their time and focus changes. New Social Dynamics: Interactions and relationships within organizational structures shift. Changed Interdependencies: Processes and workflows are modified, impacting how people collaborate and rely on each other. Suggested Strategies The presentation outlined key strategies to mitigate and manage the challenges presented by Second-Level Effects: Continuous Scanning = Skate to where the puck will be Foster Agility = “High performance organizations” Involve stakeholders Communicate core identity Focus on Action Feed forward Build Resilience Key Takeaway This presentation highlighted the importance of going beyond initial implementation plans. By understanding the deeper, long-term consequences of innovation and adopting proactive strategies, organizations can increase their chances of successfully navigating the complex journey of change.

Techniques for Effective Facilitation & Management of Online Discussion Boards

2024-03-29T13:36:33+00:00Digital Learning, Education|

One of my very first professional presentations as an online learning leader, way back in the early 2010s, was on how to improve the facilitation and management of online discussion boards. Over a decade later, I like to think online learning has come a long way and that most of this is common knowledge. However, the 3 steps for effective facilitation and management of online discussion boards still ring true! So, there may be some practical insights here worth considering. If nothing else, these points are good reminders & encouragements, even for more experienced online teachers.

Best Practices for Teaching Blended (or Hybrid) Courses

2024-03-29T13:36:55+00:00Digital Learning, Education|

During my first director role, in the early 2010s, we created created a hybrid, modular way to not only complete courses but an entire graduate degree. Now, keep in mind, we are talking about true blended/hybrid teaching, where part of the course is completed online and another part of the course is completed in-person. We are not talking about hyflex, which some wrongly called hybrid, where teaching occurs simultaneously for in-person students and online students via live streaming. We are not talking about hyflex but true hybrid teaching. In the early 2010s, there was still some resistance to creating fully online programs at some institutions. They believed that the in-person element of education was extremely valuable and worth preserving. Yet the student dynamics, needs, demographics, etc. were making more flexible learning options absolutely necessary. For this particular professional graduate institution, like many online programs, the average student was 33, married, working full-time, may have kid, and trying to pursue their education. And to this institution's student body, they wanted to maintain as much in-person learning as they could too. Not every student population is that way, but for this institution, in-person learning was highly prized as well. So, we created this hybrid, modular program that allowed students to come to campus and complete 21 hours of course work over 2 days per course. We scheduled a long-weekend in both direction and offered a slew of courses during this time. Students traveled from all across the Southeast to be on-campus during these days and very much valued the experience. But as teachers and leaders, what did we learn from offering this program? Well, we asked the students about their experience and learned a lot. To help other program leaders who might be looking for innovative ideas or lessons learned from exploring a [...]

How to Make Your Online Teaching More Human: 5 Ideas

2024-03-29T13:37:25+00:00Digital Learning, Education|

Online learning can be impersonal, uninteresting, inhuman, and dreadfully boring. I came up with this years ago and have been saying this as an online teacher or leader in one form or another for years. Why? Because it's true! Online learning can be every bit of that - impersonal, uninteresting, inhuman, and dreadfully boring. One of my favorite presentations that I have given is this one - How to Make Your Online Teaching More Human: 5 Ideas. For much of my career as an online leader and educator, I have been dealing with this aspect of online learning. Distance education from the beginning until today suffers from transactional distance. That's just the way it is, by definition. However, as an online teacher, there are things that you can do to make your course more human and to help minimize the psychological and communication gap that transactional distance creates. So, please feel free to explore the slide deck for this presentation to discover 5 ways to make your online teaching more human.

How to Improve the Visual Appeal of an Online Program

2024-03-29T13:38:58+00:00Digital Learning, Education, Learning Innovation|

How to Improve the Visual Appeal of an Online Program Introductory note: In the early-to-mid 2010's, I had lead an online learning program to drastically improve its collective visual appeal. In the early-to-mid-2010s, online video and graphics was not as easy and abundant as it would be a decade later. So, those insights and lessons learned were turned into a key presentation that I gave at a conference. While I can't find the slide deck, I did find the presentation script (for some reason I have that!). So, below is a script from the presentation on how to improve the visual appeal of an online program - highlighting the need, the steps taken, and the lessons learned along the way. Presentation Script Let's face it. Online learning can really stink. It can be so boring, monotonous, and unstimulating that it produces a colorless odor that sucks life and motivation out of our students. Online learning's stench can fill the heavens above and permeate the plains below. As the leader of an online learning program, my goal is to do my best to develop an online program that does not stink. Instead of exposing them to a foul, repulsive odor, I would rather expose students to a pleasing aroma.  But the question is how? How can I help develop and create an online program that has a pleasing aroma and does not stink? That's a huge question.  It is also a broad one. To create an online program that leaves students with a please aroma--a successful learning experience, there are many factors to consider. We will need to save the answer to that huge, broad question for another article, another book, or another conference on another day. However, our purpose here is to examine one facet of this larger question. Here, we [...]

From Spielberg to Screen Capture: Creating Quality Online Videos

2024-03-29T13:38:40+00:00Digital Learning, Education, Learning Innovation|

Nearly a decade ago, Kristen Ferguson and I had the privilege of presenting this content at the Online Learning Consortium's Fall Conference in Orlando. The technical considerations, presentation elements, models, and administrative considerations for creating quality online videos for online learning remain true today. Below is a summary of presentation and the slide deck we used. From Spielberg to Screen Capture: Creating Quality Online Videos Online videos are essential to modern online learning, but quality matters. Good educational videos engage students with visuals, audio, and active learning strategies. Bad videos can be confusing, ineffective, and even hinder learning. A quality video balances clear, compelling content with strong technical aspects. Technical Considerations for Creating Quality Online Videos Length: Short videos are best. 6 minutes is ideal, with 15 minutes as a generous maximum. Longer videos risk losing student attention. Framing: The "rule of thirds" makes compositions visually appealing. Avoid putting subjects directly in the center of the screen. Focus: Subjects should be clearly focused. Audio: Keep audio consistent, clear, and free of background noise. Lighting: Lighting should be sufficient without glare. Stability: Avoid shaky videos unless specifically for stylistic effect. Graphics: Use clean, undistorted graphics that support your message. Presenting Your Content Look at the camera to simulate direct eye contact with learners. Be conversational. Speak naturally to establish a connection. Outlining and scripting can help for complex lectures. Plan your production, including time estimates and a teleprompter if needed. The Practical Aspects for Creating Quality Online Videos Beyond technical elements, the best online videos prioritize: Clear Audio: Students must be able to understand all spoken content. Cognitive Load: Avoid overwhelming learners with too much information at once. Active Learning: Integrate video with activities so students use the knowledge they're gaining. Teaching Presence: Strive for a personal touch, even in a digital format. Authenticity: Let your personality shine through for greater engagement. 6 Production Models for Creating [...]

3 Insights on Why Pursing Innovative Paths Can Fail

2021-01-02T19:51:26+00:00Business & Leadership, Innovation, Leadership, Management|

Recently, I have been re-reading a classic in business management - The Innovator’s Dilemma by Clayton Christensen. Over 20 years later, this book’s principles continue to be timely words of insight and wisdom. Rather than let some of these thoughts go, I thought it might be helpful to consolidate a few of my reflections here and share 3 insights on why pursing innovative paths can fail. 1. Innovative paths are often hindered not by failed leadership and management but hindered by highly effective leadership and management. Good management, seeking to serve its existing customers and brand values, is often the reason that top firms fail to exhibit leadership with disruptive innovations. It is a false perception to think that “bad” leadership is the reason for failure to innovate. Instead, the problem is often “good” leadership. 2. Innovative paths are often most successful within established firms when set up as autonomous arms of the organization. The history of business innovation in a wide variety of industries has proven this to be true - data storage, computers, steel, farm engineering, retail, higher education, etc. When deciding to pursue a disruptive technology, most organizations will be most successful setting up an autonomous organization changed with building and pursuing the new business. With few exceptions, the only instances in which mainstream firms have successfully established a timely position in a disruptive technology were those in which the firm’s managers set up an autonomous organization charged with building a new and independent business around the disruptive technology. 3. Innovative paths fail when leaders fail to appropriately align their organizations resources to invest in the new autonomous organization. Established organizations are established for a reason, and their good leaders know how to align their resources toward those established aims. However, those very skills and abilities often work [...]

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